Monday, May 08, 2006
1) what is CLR?2) WHAT IS CTS(COMMON TYPE SYSTEM)3) WHAT IS ASSEBMLIES?4) WHAT IS MANIFEST?5) WHAT IS METADATA?6) WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF ASSEMBLIES?7) WHAT IS DELEGATES?.WHERE IT IS USED?.8) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ARRAYS AND STRUCTURES9) WHAT IS INDEXERS?.Advantage of it over arrays?.10) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DATASET AND RECORDSET?.11) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADO AND ADO.NET?.12) WHAT IS CACHING?.WHAT ARE THE TYPES AVAILABLE?.13) WHAT IS ABSTRACTION AND POLYMORPHISM?.13) WHAT IS INTERFACES?.14) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTERFACE AND ABSTRACT CLASS?.15) WHAT IS OVERLOADING?.16) WHAT IS OVERRIDING?.17) WHAT DOES MEAN VIRTUAL KEY WORD?.18) WHAT ARE THE CLASS ACCESS MODIFIERS?19) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DOCK AND ANCHOR PROPERTY?.20) WHAT ARE THE VALIDATION CONTROLS AVAILABLE?.21) DIFFERNCE BETWEEN SERVER CONTROLS AND HTML srever CONTROLS?22) WHAT IS BOXING AND UNBOXING?23) WHAT ARE THE TYPES AVAILABLE?.24) Name few of the integer datatypes and the length of the same?.25) what is web services?.where it is used?.26) what is the diff between structures and enumeration?.27) explain few of the namespaces in .net28) what is namespaces?.29) how u create shared assemblies?.30) what is global assembly cache?.where it is used.31) what is dataadapter?.what are the methods available?.32) difference between datareader and dataset?.when datareader and dataset used?.33) what does mean validationsummary server control?where it is used?.34) what is the seqence of operation takes place when a page is loaded?35) difference between asp and Name the validation control available in what is MSIL?.38) what is Jit compilers?.how many are available in clr?.39) How garbage collection operation by CLR HAPPENS/.40) what is transaction?how to use .tell the properties available.41) what is native image cashe?.41) what is serialization? and remoting/.42) what is single call and singletone ?.43) how xml files and be read and write using dataset?.44) what are the rowversions available in dataset?.45) can we set the target browser?.46) what is tracing?.where it used.Explain few methods available47) How to set the debug mode?.48) what is the property available to check if the page posted or not?.49) what is view state?.where it stored?.can we disable it?.50) what are the abstract class available under system.xml namespace?.51) Is it possible to use multipe inheritance in .net?.52) Is it possible to use multipe interfaces in .net?.53) can we use com Components in .net?.How ?.54) can we use .net components in vb?.Explain how55) what are the formmater class we are using in serialization ?.56) what are protocols used in .net remoting?.57) what are the derived classes from xmlReader and xmlWriter?.58) can we perform transaction using web services?59) Explain acid properties?.60) what does mean static members in a class?.61) what does it mean static functions in a class/?62) what is constructor?.63) what is destructor?.Does it deallocate the object?.64) what is configuration?what are the configuraration files available?.65) can use use the session stored in one web server to another?.Explanin how?.66) how u handle the authentication ?Can we restrict the particular users using this?.67) what is managed and unmanaged code?.68) what is Runtime Callable wrapper?.when it will created?.69) what is Com Callable wrapper?when it will created?.70)suppose ur using the com components.Is it neccessary for the com component during deployment?.72) what are the server controls available in How you consume the web services?.74) what is reflection?.why it is used and what is the namespace used for this?.75)what are the methods available when ur using reflection?.76) what are the databound controls used in what is the difference between repeater over datalist and datagrid?.78) what is rowstatefilter?.when it is used?.79) How you deploy the assemblies?.80) can we handle the error and redirect to some pages using web.config?.81) can we use win32api dlls in .net?.Explain how?.82) can we declare a constructor and methods for a stucture?83) can we override a indexer?.84) what is collection?.Explain the interfaces available in a collection?.85) can we use pointers in .net?.86) what is called sealed classes?.can we derive sealed classes?.87) what is internal and protected keyword in c#?.88) what does mean this in c#?.89) when to use user control?.How to use?.90) when to use html server control and server controls?.91) when is the use of activator.getobject and activator.createinstance?.92) Suppose i developed a host using http as a channel for communication. If i create a client using TCP IP as channel will it work? 93) Is it neccessary for the client to provide a port number while creating a object?.94) difference b/w ASP and ASP.NET
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